Tanglewood Garden Club is excited by the addition of Sub Clubs. A great way to get to know your neighbors, expand your mind, and have fun. We welcome new ideas and new groups! We would love to have bunco, craft, bridge and more. Please contact Barbara Forbes (713-614-0004) to get started. Please contact the individual chairs of the sub clubs if you would like to join. Please note you must be a member of Tanglewood Garden Club to participate.
Americacan Mah Jongg Chair Beverly Griffith
American Mah Jongg is played with the 2020 National Mah Jongg League card. It will be limited to 8 people (2 tables) and will be played on the second Wednesday of the month from 1-4 pm at the Houston Racquet Club. Contact Beverly Griffith bevgriffith01@gmail.com (713-201-3779)
Boulevard Book Club-Chair Holly Haire/Liz Deaton
Join old and new friends reading a great book each month. Participate in lively book discussions and decide what book and genre to read next. This club will meet monthly either in person or virtually. Contact Holly Haire hollyihaire@yahoo.com (713-249-1747)
Whether you’re a kibitzer or a life master, come enjoy an afternoon around the
card table! Meet new friends and brush up on your game, and even enjoy a
lesson with a guest teacher from time-to-time. No trumps about it –
this sub club will be a slam!
Sub Club Chair – Rachel Kramer – rkramer@shoregate.com (402.306.6939)
Chinese Mahjong is similar to gin rummy, but played with tiles, is easy to learn, and lots of fun. No card is needed. This event is limited to 16 people and is played the third Thursday of the month Contact Alison Frey, alisojer@aol.com or 571-529-0927.
Lunch Group Chairs-Pam Harris and Vivian Darling
Please join us for a fun monthly lunch group, that meets the fourth Thursday of the month (excluding November and December). We will visit restaurants in and around our area and will try varied menus.
Contact Vivian Darling, viviandarling1@gmail.com,(832-567-0560) or Pam Harris pamharris056@gmail.com (713-385-5202)

Tanglewood Park Patrol-Chair Gail Branca
As the continued commitment of the Garden Club members and Tanglewood residents appreciation for our community park on Woodway and Bering- join this fun group that “walks” Tanglewood Park, reports any malfunctions and helps keep the park clean. Contact Gail Branca gbranca@att.net

Tanglewood Moms-Chair Erin Slosburg-
When you’re juggling the chaos of young children in a big city, life can sometimes get too crazy to step out and meet your neighbors. This group brings together mothers and children (ages birth through elementary school) at a variety of events. Contact Erin Slosberg erinslosburg@gmail.com (404-0216-8858)

Tanglewood Boulevard Walkers-Chair Kristine Solberg
Come and walk the “boulevard” every Thursday at 7:30 at Tanglewood Boulevard and Fieldwood. The miles go quicker with friends and you can walk as little or as long as you want. Contact Kristine Solberg solbergkris@sbcglobal.net (713-306-1950).

Wednesday Afternoon Movie Club-Chair Kathleen Herzog
The choice of movies will vary and may include shows in unique theaters perhaps even outside on a rooftop or drive-in. This group may choose to grab a meal prior to the movie. Contact Kathleen Herzog Houknh@gmail.com (713-494-7005).
Wine Time-Ellen Van London
Come join us for wine and cheese. This may include gatherings in restaurants,
bars or homes. Dates will be determined by the group.
Sub Club Chair – Ellen Van London – ellen.vanlondon@gmail.com (281.300.6423)